HomeTeaching / CHN - 322: Optimization of Chemical Engineering Processes


Date Information
Jan 07, 2020 Course contents, suggested and addition reading materials updated
Jan 13, 2020 Assignment/tutorial sheets are being uploaded under "Assignments/Tutorials" section.

Course Information

Code CHN - 322
Title Optimization of Chemical Engineering Processes (OCEP)
Credits 04
Semester Spring Semester, 2019-20
Level UG Level
Type UG (3rd year) Elective Course
Pre-requisites Knowledge of Core Chemical Engineering Courses (Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Reaction Engineering and Transport Phenomena, etc.), Computer Programming and Engineering Mathematics
Dr. Ram Prakash Bharti [e-mail | Web URL]
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorrkee
Roorkee 247667, INDIA
Teaching Assistants (TAs)

Course Contents

Unit No. Topics
1. Introduction: Optimization and calculus based classical optimization techniques.
2. One Dimensional Minimization Methods: Elimination methods equally spaced points method, Fibonacci method and golden section method; Interpolation methods-quadratic interpolation and cubic interpolation, Newton and quasi-Newton methods.
3. Linear Programming (LP): Graphical representation, simplex and revised simplex methods, duality and transportation problems.
4. Multivariable Non-Linear Programming (MNLP): Unconstrained univariate method, Powell’s method, simplex method, rotating coordinate method, steepest descent method, Fletcher Reeves method, Newton’s methods Marquardt’s method and variable metric (DFP and BFGS) methods; Constrained- complex method, feasible directions method, GRG method, penalty function methods and augmented Lagrange multiplier method.
5. Dynamic Programming (DP): Multistage processes- acyclic and cyclic, sub-optimization, principle of optimality and applications.
6. Geometric Programming (GP): Differential calculus and Arithmetic- Geometric inequality approach to unconstrained GP; Constrained GP minimization; GP with mixed inequality constraints and Complementary GP.
7. Emerging Optimization Techniques: Genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, particle swarm and ant colony optimization.


Semester Contact Hours Lectures (L) Tutorials (T) Practicals (P)
Spring 4
(L - T - P : 3 -1 -0)
  1. Tue @ 3 pm
  2. Wed @ 2 pm
  3. Fri @ 2 pm
  1. Mon @ 11 am
  2. Fri @ 11 am
- 0 -

Suggested Books

Arora R.K. (2015) Optimization Algorithms and Applications. CRC Press
Deb K. (2012) Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd edition. PHI Learning Private Limited
Edger T.F., Himmelblau D.M. and Lasdon L.S. (2001) Optimization of Chemical Processes, 2nd edition. McGraw Hill
Fletcher R. (2000) Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Messac, A. (2015) Optimization in Practice with MATLAB. Cambridge University Press
Rao S.S. (2000) Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practices, 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ravindran A., Ragsdell K.M. and Reklaitis G.V. (2006) Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practices, 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rhinehart, R.R. (2018) Engineering Optimization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Weise T. (2020) An Introduction to Optimization Algorithms. | Download

Other reading material

Steps for optimization problems | Download
Noceda J. and Wright S.J. (2006) Numerical Optimization, 2nd edition. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. | Download
Weise T. (2009) Global Optimization Algorithms -Theory and Applications. | Download


Component Weightage Remarks
(Class Work Sessionals)
20% Tutorial's / Assignment's / Quiz's / Punctuality / Discipline / etc.
(Mid Term Examination)
30% Written examination of 1½ hours
(End Term Examination)
50% Written examination of 3 hours


Note the following points:
  • Hand-written solutions on A4 pages must be submitted by the due date.
  • Late submission shall not be accepted.
  • Solutions must be equipped with all the steps and calculations.
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