CSC-101 Programming with C and C++
Autumn 2024-25
Instructor: Balasubramanian Raman
Office: S-227, CSE Building
Class Meeting Time: Tuesdays (04:00-05:00 pm), Thursdays (3:00-4:00 p.m) and Fridays (04:00-05:00 pm). Class Room: Abdul Kalam Block 407
Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and by appointment
TAs: Dr. Pradeep Singh (pradeep.cs at sric), Nitin Tyagi (nitin_t at cs), Shubhi Srivastava(s_srivastava at cs) and Shivam Thakur (shivam_t at cs) (PhD students)
Email: first four letters of first name at cs dot ac dot in
September 11, 2024: MTE held.
August 13, 2024: Classes have begun.
Course Objectives, Learning Outcomes and Prerequisites
To understand the basic concepts of procedural and object-oriented programming.
To use object-oriented programming concepts to design and develop software applications.
To implement real-world entities like Inheritance, Data hiding, polymorphism, etc.
Prerequisites: NIL.
Evaluation Components
- Term tests/quizzes (10%)
- Assignments + Practical (15%)
- Class participation (5%)
- Mid-Term Examination (30%)
- End Term Examination (40%)
01. Assignment 1 (Posted on 27/8/2024, Deadline 11/09/2024)
02. Practice Problems 1 (Posted on 29/8/2024)
03. Assignment 2 (Posted on 24/9/2024, Deadline 08/10/2024)
04. Practice Problems 2 (Posted on 02/10/2024)
- There will be five to nine assignments.
- Late assignments will be accepted, with a 10% penalty per day, up to five days.
- Submission procedure and other requirements will be stated in individual assignments.
- Students are responsible for backing up and protecting their work.
Recommended Study Material
The following will be used as a reference/text book for this course:
1. C Programming Language, Kernighan Brian W. and Dennis M. Ritchie,, 2nd edition Pearson 2015.
2. C: The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education 2017.
3. Understanding Pointers in C, Yashavant Kanetkar, 2003.
4. Let Us C: Authentic guide to C programming language, Yashavant Kanetkar, 19th Edition 2022.
5. Exploring C, Yashavant Kanetkar, BPB Publisher 2004.
6. C++: The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education 2017.
7. Object Oriented Programming in C++, Robert Lafore, 4th Edition, 2001.