List of Papers

93. Sahu, Prasanta, Amit Agarwal, Ankit Kathuria and Nagendra R. Velaga, eds. (2025). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India ({CTRG} 2023), Volume 3. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Singapore: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-9943-5.
92. Singh, V. and Amit Agarwal (2025). "Spatial prediction of on-road air pollution using long-term mobile monitoring: Insights from Delhi”. In Urban Climate. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2025.102347
91. Kathait, N. and Amit Agarwal (2025). "Prioritisation of service quality attributes of bicycle-sharing and e-bike sharing systems in India”. In Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2025.144988
90. Fedujwar, R. and Amit Agarwal (2025). "Performance assessment of public transport routes: a framework using revealed data". In Research in Transportation Business & Management. DOI:10.1016/j.rtbm.2024.101283
89. Vijay, Neelima C., Amit Agarwal and Kamini Gupta(2025). "Do automation and digitalization distract drivers? A systematic review". In Accident Analysis & Prevention. DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2024.107888
88. Kommoju Prathyusha, Amit Agarwal, and Indrajit Ghosh (2025)."Enhancing Crash Severity Predictions on National Highways: An Ordered Modelling Approach with Feature Selection". In 104th Transportation Research Board (TRB) annual meeting, Washington DC, USA.
87. Kathait, Nidhi and Amit Agarwal (2025). "Pedaling Towards Sustainability: Service Quality Evaluation of Bicycle-Sharing Systems Based on User Satisfaction Survey". In 104th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
86. Singh, Vikram and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Modelling on-road air pollution using mobile monitoring: A case study of Delhi". In 17th Urban Mobility India Conference 2024, Gandhinagar.
85. Kathait, Nidhi and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Predicting Adoption of Bicycle-Sharing System in India: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach". In 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Vienna, Austria.
84. Kathait, Nidhi and Amit Agarwal (2024). "User Intention to Adopt Public Bicycle Sharing System: A Priori Acceptance Approach". In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research. DOI:10.1080/19427867.2024.2375473
83. Agarwal, Amit, Deorishabh Sahu, Rishabh Mohata, Kuldeep Jeengar, Anuj Nautiyal and Dhish Kumar Saxena (2024). "Dynamic Traffic Signal Control for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions Using Max Pressure and Reinforcement Learning". In Expert Systems with Applications. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124416 
82. Thombre, Anurag, Lalit Dumka, Avinash Kumar Rai and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Object Distance Estimation from a Single Moving Camera for Advanced Driver Assistance System". In IEEE CONECCT 2024 at IISc Bangalore. DOI:10.1109/CONECCT62155.2024.10677218 
81. Rawat, Nishtha, Kuldeep Jeengar, Amit Agarwal and Rishman Jot Kaur Chahal (2024). "Boarding Alighting Counting in Different Transit Vehicles under Crowded Conditions". In IEEE CONECCT 2024 at IISc Bangalore. DOI:10.1109/CONECCT62155.2024.10677074
80. Fedujwar, Rupam. and Amit Agarwal (2024). “Prioritization of attributes for transit services: an MCDM approach”. In 27th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2024). Hammamet, Tunisia.
79. Agarwal, Amit, Karthik Krishnan O (2024). "A Real-Time, Wireless Crowd Alert and Management System and a method thereof". Pat. 202411039695
78. Meena, Kapil Kumar, Deepak Bairwa, and Amit Agarwal (2024). "A machine learning approach for unraveling the influence of air quality awareness on travel behavior". In Decision Analytics Journal. DOI:10.1016/j.dajour.2024.100459
77. Sain, Jitendra Kumar, Rajat Kumar, Rishman Jot Kaur Chahal, and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Mapping Kerala's economic landscape: a non-survey approach to constructing regional Input-Output tables for 2018-19". In 8th International Conference on Economic Structures, Osaka, Japan.
76. Agarwal, Amit, Deorishabh Sahu, Anuj Nautiyal, Pratham Agarwal and Manan Gupta (2024). "Fusing Crowdsourced Data to an Adaptive Wireless Traffic Signal Control System Architecture" In Internet of Things. DOI:10.1016/j.iot.2024.101169
75. Shrivastava, A., Nishtha Rawat, and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Deep-Learning-based Model for Prediction of Crowding in a Public Transit System". In Public Transport. DOI:10.1007/s12469-024-00360-z
74. Gupta, Vineet, Rashmi Choudhary, and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Integrating Land use and Traffic to Spatial Prediction of Particulate Matter". In Urban Climate. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.101844
73. Agarwal, Amit, Karthik Krishnan O, Dhinesh Kumar R, K. V. Pranav and Dhish Kumar Saxena (2024). "AdaptiSync: AI-based Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Control using Edge-Computing". Showcased the product at IInvenTiv, R&D fair, IIT Hyderabad [Flyer] [Poster] [Video]
72. Agarwal, Amit, Manan Gupta, Hemanth Vasireddy, and Aditya Kora (2024). "Wireless edge computing-based real-time transit passenger counting system with cloud integration". Pat. 202411003605
71. Singh, Vikram and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Variation of PM2.5 and inhalation dose across transport microenvironments in Delhi". InTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104061
70. Rawat, Nishtha, Arnav Rai and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Deep Learning-based Passenger Counting System using Surveillance Cameras". In 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS59351.2024.10426937
69. Kumar B V, Santhosh, Rupam Fedujwar and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Travel Time Variability of Bus Routes in Delhi using Real-Time GTFS Data". In 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS59351.2024.10427234
68. Meena, Kapil Kumar, Rujhaan Taneja and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Impact of Air Pollution on Informed Decision-Making for Choice of a Travel Mode". In 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS59351.2024.10427003
67. Agarwal, Amit, Karthik Krishnan O, Dhinesh Kumar R and Dhish Kumar Saxena (2023). "Wireless Edge Computing-Based Adaptive Traffic Control System with Real-Time Vehicle Tracking and Cloud Integration". Pat. 202311079549
66. Agarwal, Amit, Anurag Thombre, Kabir Kedia and Indrajit Ghosh (2024). “ITD: Indian Traffic Dataset for Intelligent Transportation Systems”. In 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS59351.2024.10427394
65. Singh, Vikram and Amit Agarwal (2023). “Air pollution exposure in different transportation microenvironments in Delhi”. In 27thInternational Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.
64. Choudhary, Rashmi and Amit Agarwal (2023). “Spatiotemporal variability of PM2.5 data collected through mobile monitoring”. In 27th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.
63. Fedujwar, Rupam and Amit Agarwal (2023). “Examining the Spatialtemporal travel pattern of Senior Citizens: An observational study in Bhubaneswar”. In 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India.
62. Prathyusha, Kommoju, Amit Agarwal and Indrajit Ghosh (2023). “Sourcing of geometric data for Safety Performance Function: A Review and future directions”. In 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India. [PDF] DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-9943-5_16
61. Bhandari, Jatin, Rupam Fedujwar and Amit Agarwal (2024). “Occupancy Prediction at Transit Stops using ANN”. In 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS59351.2024.10427191
60. Kumar, Rajat, Parthasarathi Sahu, Amit Agarwal, and Rishamn Jot Kaur Chahal (2023). Wider economic impact at electric vehicle penetration in India: a CGE analysis. In: 51st European Transport Conference. Association for European Transport. Milan, Italy.
59. Agarwal, Amit, Mohd. Ikhlakh, and Saurabh Mishra (2022). "A system for wireless traffic signal control based on crowd sourced data". Pat. 202211074732
58. Agarwal, Amit, S. Velmurugan, and Akhilesh Kumar Maurya, eds. (2023). Recent trends in transportation infrastructure, volume 2: select proceedings of TIPCE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Singapore: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-2556-8.
57. Parashar, Shubham and Amit Agarwal (2023). “A Macroscopic Crash Frequency Model for Unobserved Heterogeneity on Indian National Highways”. [PDF]
56. Thombre, Anurag, Jatin Bhandari, Amit Agarwal and Indrajit Ghosh (2023). Prediction of Unknown Striking vehicles in Motorized Two-Wheeler Hit-and-Run Crashes in Delhi. Presented at International conference of the Eastern Asia society for transportation studies 2023 (EASTS 2023). [PDF]
55. Thombre, Anurag, Indrajit Ghosh, and Amit Agarwal (2022). “Lane Sharing of Motorized Two-Wheelers, Boon, or a Bane? Insights from Review of Literature.” Presented at 34th International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety (ICTCT) Conference
54. Thombre, Anurag, Indrajit Ghosh, and Amit Agarwal (2022). “Exploring Evasive Action-Based Indicator for Safety Assessment of Lane Splitting Motorized Two-Wheelers.” Presented at 34th International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety (ICTCT) Conference
53. Nidhi Kathait and Amit Agarwal (2023). "User intention to adopt public bicycle sharing system in an Indian city". In 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
52. Choudhary, Rashmi, Siftee Ratra and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Multimodal routing framework for urban environments considering real-time air quality and congestion". In Atmospheric Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2022.101525 [PDF]
51. Shrivastava, A., D. P. Singh, I. Jain and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Deep-Learning based Model for prediction of crowding in public transit system". Presented at 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT 2022)
50. Kathait, Nidhi, Pushpa Choudhary, Amit Agarwal, Rajat Rastogi(2023). Impact Assessment of Ring Road in Haridwar and National Highway Connectivity on Haridwar-Rishikesh Metro Ridership. In: Agarwal, A., Velmurugan, S., Maurya, A.K. (eds) Recent Trends in Transportation Infrastructure, Volume 2. TIPCE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 347. Springer, Singapore. DOI. 10.1007/978-981-99-2556-8_3
49. Fedujwar, Rupam and Amit Agarwal (2024). "A systematic review on crowding valuation in public transport". In Public Transport. DOI:10.1007/s12469-024-00363-w. Previously presented at 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT 2022)
48. Mohmmand, S., Rupam Fedujwar, Amit Agarwal, (2023). Estimation of Transit OD Matrix Using Boarding and Alighting Data: A Case Study of Haridwar-Rishikesh Metro Corridor. In: Agarwal, A., Velmurugan, S., Maurya, A.K. (eds) Recent Trends in Transportation Infrastructure, Volume 2. TIPCE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 347. Springer, Singapore. DOI. 10.1007/978-981-99-2556-8_1
47. Choudhary, Rashmi and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Does PM10 influence the prediction of PM2.5?". In 8thAnnual Smart Cities Symposium Prague DOI: 10.1109/SCSP54748.2022.9792544 [PDF]
46. Choudhary, Rashmi and Amit Agarwal (2024). "Route Selection for Real-time Air Quality Monitoring to Maximize Spatiotemporal Coverage". In Journal of Transport Geography. DOI:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103812.
45. Choudhary, Rashmi and Amit Agarwal (2023). "Impact of grid size on spatiotemporal prediction of fine Particulate Matter". In Atmospheric Pollution Research DOI:10.1016/j.apr.2023.101887. Previously Presented at 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
44. Choudhary, Rashmi, Siftee Ratra and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Fusing real-time congestion and air pollution in a multi-modal routing engine". In mobil.TUM 2022 – 12thInternational Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
43. Mittal, Vishesh, Suhas Sasetty, Rashmi Choudhary and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Deep-learning spatio-temporal prediction framework for PM under dynamic monitoring". In Transportation Research Record. DOI: 10.1177/03611981221082589 [Poster] [PDF]
42. Kathait, Nidhi and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Genealogy of Shared Mobility in India". In 8th International Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2021). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2273-2_54
41. Gupta, Kamini, Piyush Miglani, Purva Dua, Amit Agarwal and Neelima Chakrabarty (2022). "Distraction of Experienced Drivers at a Construction Site using Eye Tracker". In International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE 2021). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-4364-5_31 [PDF]
40. Choudhary, Rashmi and Amit Agarwal (2021). "Optimization of Bus Routes to Maximize Coverage of Air Pollution Monitors". Presented at 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021). Tiruchirappalli, India
39. Meena, Kapil Kumar, Vikram Singh and Amit Agarwal (2023). "Perception of Commuters Towards Air Quality in Delhi". In Journal of Transport & Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2023.101643. Previously, Presented at 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021). Tiruchirappalli, India
38. Thombre, Anurag, Indrajit Ghosh, and Amit Agarwal (2023). "Examining Factors Influencing the Severity of Motorized Two-Wheeler Crashes in Delhi". In International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2023.2267040
37. Singh, Vikram, Kamini Gupta, Neelima Chakrabarty and Amit Agarwal (2021). "Perceived behavioural changes in commuters' mobility aspect due to COVID situation". In 18th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES) . Warwick. [PDF]
36. Singh, Vikram, Kapil Kumar Meena and Amit Agarwal (2021). "Travellers' exposure to air pollution: a systematic review and future directions" In Urban Climate. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100901 [PDF]
35. Agarwal, Amit (2021). "Quantifying health & economic benefits of bicycle superhighway: evidence from Patna". In: Procedia Computer Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.03.087
34. Kathait, Nidhi and Amit Agarwal (2020). "Behaviour of Drivers towards Vehicle Idling at Signalized Intersections". In 13th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC). IIT Bombay. [PDF]
33. Singh, Vikram, Kamini Gupta, Amit Agarwal and Neelima Chakrabarty (2022). "Psychological Impacts on the Travel Behaviour post-COVID-19" In Asian Transport Studies. DOI: 10.1016/j.eastsj.2022.100087 [Infographic-PNG] [Interactive-infographic]
32. Thombre, Anurag and Amit Agarwal (2021). "A Paradigm Shift in Urban Mobility: Policy Insights from Travel Before and After COVID-19 to Seize the Opportunity". In Transport Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.06.010 [Infographic-PNG] [Interactive-infographic]
31. Suman, H. K., Amit Agarwal and N. B. Bolia (2020). "Public Transport Operations after Lockdown: How to Make it Happen?". In Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s41403-020-00121-x
30. Vardhan, Haresh, Ishan Rai, Nidhi Kathait and Amit Agarwal (2022). "Crowd-Sourced Web Survey for Household Travel Diaries". In Transportation Research Procedia. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2022.02.031
29. Thombre, Anurag, Indrajit Ghosh, Amit Agarwal (2019). "Examining road safety compliance among motorised two wheelers in Delhi - A cross-sectional study". In: 2nd ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies. [PDF]
28. Prajapati, Abhishek Kumar, Aman Gora, Amit Agarwal, Indrajit Ghosh (2019). "Use of computer vision to automatize traffic data collection under mixed traffic condition". In: 2nd ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies. [PDF]
27. Agarwal, Amit, Dominik Ziemke, and Kai Nagel (2020). “Bicycle superhighway: an environmentally sustainable policy for urban transport”. In Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2019.06.015
26. Agarwal, Amit, Dominik Ziemke, and Kai Nagel (2020). “Calibration of Choice Model Parameters in a Transport Scenario with Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions and Income Dependency”. In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research; DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2019.1633788
25. Agarwal, Amit and Ihab Kaddoura (2020). “On-road air pollution exposure to cyclists in an agent-based simulation framework”. In Periodica Polytechnica  Transportation Engineering. DOI: 10.3311/PPtr.12661
24. Ziemke, Dominik, Ihab Kaddoura and Amit Agarwal (2019). “Entwicklung eines regionalen, agentenbasierten Verkehrssimulationsmodells zur Analyse zukünftiger Verkehrsszenarien für die Region Ruhr”. In: 10. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität : Mobility in Times of Change - Past - Present - Future. Ed. Proff H. Springer Gabler. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-26107-8_29
23. Agarwal, Amit and A. Dhamaniya (2018). "Impact of dynamic passenger car units in an agent-based simulation framework". In: Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering (RATE-2018), India
22. Agarwal, Amit and Ihab Kaddoura (2018). “On-road air pollution exposure to cyclists in an agent-based simulation framework”. In: NECTAR Cluster 7 Workshop: Social and Health Issues in Transportation, Utrecht. [PDF]
21. Kickhöfer, Bemjamin,  Amit Agarwal and Kai Nagel (2019). “Mind the price gap: how optimal emission pricing relates to the EU CO2 reduction targets”. In: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13:5, pp. 378-391. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2018.1472321
20. Agarwal, Amit and Bemjamin Kickhöfer (2018). “The correlation of externalities in marginal cost pricing: lessons learned from a real-world case study”. In: Transportation, 45: 849. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-016-9753-z
19. Agarwal, Amit, Gregor Lämmel, and Kai Nagel (2018). “Incorporating within link dynamics in an agent-based computationally faster and scalable queue model”. In: Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 14:5-6, pp. 520-541. DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2017.1364802
18. Agarwal, Amit, G. Flötteröd, and Kai Nagel (2017). “Calibration of behavioural parameters using optimization technique in an agent-based transport simulation”. In: hEART 2017 – 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Haifa (Israel).
17. Agarwal, Amit, Dominik Ziemke, and Kai Nagel (2017). “Calibration of heterogeneous traffic scenario in an agent-based simulation framework”. In: 4th Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), IIT Bombay. [PDF]
16. Kaddoura, Ihab, Amit Agarwal, and Bemjamin Kickhöfer (2017). “Simulation-based optimization of congestion costs, noise damages and air pollution costs: the impact of route and mode choice”. In: ITEA Annual Conference and School on Transportation Economics, Barcelona. [PDF]
15. Kaddoura, Ihab, Amit Agarwal, and Bemjamin Kickhöfer (2017). “Simulation-based optimization of congestion, noise and air pollution costs: The impact of transport users choice dimensions”.
14. Agarwal, Amit (2017). “Mitigating negative transport externalities in industrialized and industrializing countries”. PhD thesis. Berlin: TU Berlin. DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-5825
13. Agarwal, Amit (2016). “Patna”. In: The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim. Ed. by A. Horni, K. Nagel, and K. W. Axhausen. Ubiquity, London. Chap. 77. DOI: 10.5334/baw. URL:
12. Agarwal, Amit, Gregor Lämmel, and Kai Nagel (2016). “Modelling of Backward Travelling Holes in Mixed Traffic Conditions”. In: Traffic and Granular Flow ’15. Ed. by V. L. Knoop and W. Daamen. 1st ed. Delft, NL: Springer International Publishing. Chap. 53, pp. 419–426. ISBN: 978-3-319-33482-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33482-0_53
11. Agarwal, Amit and Gregor Lämmel (2016). “Modeling seepage behavior of smaller vehicles in mixed traffic conditions using an agent-based simulation”. In: Transportation in Developing Economies 2:8, pp. 1–12. DOI: 10.1007/s40890-016-0014-9
10. Lakshay, Amit Agarwal, and Nomesh B. Bolia (2016). “Route guidance map for emergency evacuation”. In: Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response 6:3, pp. 135– 144. DOI: 10.2991/jrarc.2016.6.3.3
9. Agarwal, Amit, Bemjamin Kickhöfer, and Kai Nagel (2015). “The internalization of congestion and air pollution externalities: Evaluating behavioral impacts”. In: 14th Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Windsor, England. [PDF]
8. Agarwal, Amit and Gregor Lämmel (2015). “Modeling seepage behavior of smaller vehicles in mixed traffic conditions using an agent-based simulation”. In: 3rd Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), Kolkata, India. [PDF]
7. Kickhöfer, Bemjamin and Amit Agarwal (2015). “Is marginal emission cost pricing enough to comply with the EU CO2 reduction targets?” In: hEART 2015 – 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. [PDF]
6. Agarwal, Amit and Bemjamin Kickhöfer (2015). “Agent-based simultaneous optimization of congestion and air pollution: A real-world case study”. In: Procedia Computer Science 52C, pp. 914–919. ISSN: 1877-0509. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.165
5. Agarwal, Amit and Gregor Lämmel (2015). “Seepage of smaller vehicles under heterogeneous traffic conditions”. In: Procedia Computer Science, 52C, pp. 890–895. ISSN: 1877-0509. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.147
4. Agarwal, Amit, Michael Zilske, K. Ramachandra Rao, and Kai Nagel (2015). “An elegant and computationally efficient approach for heterogeneous traffic modelling using agent-based simulation”. In: Procedia Computer Science, 52C, pp. 962–967. ISSN: 1877-0509. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.173
3. Agarwal, Amit and Bemjamin Kickhöfer (2014). A Combined Marginal Social Cost Approach for Automobile Emissions and Congestion. DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-5764
2. Agarwal, Amit, Michael Zilske, K. Ramachandra Rao, and Kai Nagel (2013). “Person-based dynamic traffic assignment for mixed traffic conditions”. In: Conference on Agent-Based Modeling in Transportation Planning and Operations. Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. [PDF]
1. Agarwal, Amit (2012). “Agent-based simulation of the travel demand for Patna City, India”. Master's thesis. India: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29513.98405